Jack Skellington’s Tie

DIY of Jack’s Tie from the Nightmare Before Christmas

Since the head is done, I’ve moved on to Jack Skellington‘s Tie.

How it was made:  

My DIY of Jack Skellington’s Tie. Photo courtesy of Debbie Morrow.

Black Foam Board

A Pencil

A Paper-Coated Foam Apple

A White Paint Pen

Rubber Cement

An X-Acto Blade

Black Outdoor Craft Paint and Brush

Since it takes about an hour for the craft paint to dry, I started on the head first. I pulled the stem out of the apple and painted it black.

While that was drying, I used a pencil to trace the outline edges by eye from a photo of Jack’s tie found on Google Images.With the blade, I cut out the penciled lines.

Using the white paint pen, I randomly painted white lines on the tie.

After the apple (bat’s head) was dried, I used the white paint pen to make eyes for the bat.

After the eyes dried, I cut straight across the back of the bat’s head so it would lay flush against the foam board and be glued easier. Do not glue head on yet.

I cut two ears for the bat out of the leftover black foam and cut slits into the top of the bat’s head for the pieces to slide in. After making sure the pieces fit, I pulled them out and put rubber cement on the ear bases and slid them back in to stay.

Last, I glued the bat head to the center of the tie with rubber cement.

Cost of materials: $ 10.

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