Confessions of an Ignorant Creator

A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

I added a lip of foam to accentuate Jack Skellington‘s lips. It will be sanded down to blend into the rest of the head. Photo courtesy of Debbie Morrow.

I’ve never professed that I’m an expert at my craft of creating frightful or delightful things.Today is another example of my ignorance and hope my less-than-knowledgeable creator friends can learn from my mistakes.

I’ve been working the past week on a Jack Skellington head that will be built into a life size character for my yard.  I completed the paper mache, added eyes/nose features and covered it with a thin coat of plaster.

I was about to start sanding when I took a look at photos from the movie and decided to add a lip edge for his mouth. Instead of going back to plaster or my paper mache mix, I chose to use Touch and Foam Max Fill. It’s quick, easy and you can sand it within a very short period of time. I even had experience using it for other projects without any big issues.

The Problem Continue reading

Learning Another Way to Create is EXCITING!

I never cease to be amazed at other people’s DIY projects. Although I tend to lean toward scary creations myself, I truly get excited when someone else shows me another way for me to create.

I’ve been interested in creating with vacuum forms and I’ve seen a few DIY projects that used homemade ones, but they seemed either too pricey for me to put together or too complicated.

Now this homemade vacuum form project from hhbproduction is right up my alley. It’s simple and most of the items I already have at home. Best yet, it looks like it works incredible well.