Quick Food and Drink Ideas for the Fourth of July

Skewers of food can make party planning easy and visually appealing. Image courtesy of Pinterest via Martha McCall.

Skewers of food can make party planning easy and visually appealing. Image courtesy of Pinterest via Martha McCall.

In order for party planners to have enough energy to stay awake for the fireworks, the execution of creating great foods should be simple, visually appealing, and of course, crowd-pleasing.

Here are a few quick and easy energy-saving recipe ideas:

Love the Skewers:

This can be skewers of meat and veggies for the grill, appetizers of fruit and cheese, or anything else that can be jabbed with a stick.They can be laid upon a tray, poked into a cabbage head that has been leveled by slicing a piece off the bottom, Styrofoam, or in tumblers or glasses. For more info on skewer recipes see 50 skewer recipes by The Food Network.

Arrangement of Foods

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Twas the Night After Halloween…

Twas the night after Halloween and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…Because we were all so tired from celebrating! Here was the yard this year and a highlight of costumes at the Halloween Bash.

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Below are a few memorable costumes from our annual Morrow Halloween Bash. I’m sorry for so few. My photographer aka my husband was having such a great time he forgot his job for the night.

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It’s All in the Perspective! Transforming Regular Food into Something Gruesome

It’s all in the perspective. Do you see Split Pea Soup or do you see Shrek Slime and Gangrene Stew? Photo of German Split Pea Soup courtesy of FlickrCC.

As I was planning my gruesome food ideas for this year’s Halloween Bash, I began to think about all my favorite foods I usually make and what they could be transformed into.

Most wouldn’t even need tweaking in order to become gruesome because it is all in the perspective.

All I would need to do is set a place card in front of the dish suggesting what it is and the mind does the rest.

Here are some of the ideas I came up with:

Pistachio Fluff or Split Pea Soup:  They can be called Shrek’s Snot, Exorcist Vomit, etc.

Dump Cake (used with Cherries) can be called Baked Bloody Eye Balls or Scab Casserole

Brownies (roll in balls and put on toothpicks): Doo Doo Balls.

Macaroni Fruit Salad: Frog Egg Salad

Tapioca Pudding: Frog Eggs and Cream

Chili (add Zucchini pieces the size and shape of fingers of toes): Appendage Stew or Green Slug Chili

Peanut Butter Balls, Coconut Balls, or Cake Balls (add a candy eye or M&M): Monster and Zombie Eyes

I’m still brainstorming, but you have the idea.

Planning and executing a party is stressful enough without attempting new recipes. So pull out your regular recipe cards and see what you can transform.  You’ll be happier that you did and don’t forget to drop me a line with one of your ideas. Thanks!

Planning Your Fall Event

A Fall Favor Idea

Small pumpkin favors can work for weddings, kids parties, and other fall events. Photo courtesy of Debbie Morrow

Having a youngster means going to a plethora of birthday parties and getting those conventional favors most parents give out. You know the ones I’m talking about…the plastic kazoos, rings, bouncy balls, etc.

But there are only so many of those little trinkets a parent can take scattered in one household. So when my own child’s birthday party came around I wanted something different.

I thought, what would make me happy as a kid and a parent?

I bought these small pumpkins three for a dollar from a local farmer. I purchased the favor bags, ribbon, stickers, and markers at the dollar store.

Now not only did I have a favor that was appreciated by kids and parents alike, I had an activity of decorating pumpkins at the party.

I could see this working for other fall events or giveaways from businesses. Instead of stickers or markers within the bag, you could add business cards, a love poem with a bride and groom’s name for fall weddings, and more.